Martha Tuttle
(Born 1989, Santa Fe, New Mexico)

Martha Tuttle received her BA from Bard College in 2011 and her MFA from The Yale School of Art in 2015. She has held residencies at the Rauschenberg Foundation in Captiva, FL, the Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program in Brooklyn, NY and A-Z West in Joshua Tree, CA, and the UCross Foundation in Clearmont, WY, and fellowships from the Josef Albers foundation, and the Beinecke rare books and manuscripts library. Her work been has shown widely in the US and Europe and had been written about in among others, The New York Times, Art Forum, Art in America, the Brooklyn rail, and Hyperallergic. she lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.


Martha Tuttle
Rocks on Sea, 2020
Lithograph on linen mounted on paper, photographs, quartz, thread, and gouache
14 x 11.5 inches (35.56 x 29.21 cm)

Exhibited in Walk the Walk 2020
